

Did you know that the ministry of ushers/greeters is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church? In the Old Testament, they were called "gatekeepers." Their ministry was so important that they were given living quarters in the temple!  Here at St. Paul Church, we could use some new volunteers to help out in the usher/greeter ministry.

Now that we are once again passing the colllection basket, volunteers are needed especially at the 11:30 a.m. Mass.  You are welcome to help at the Mass you normally attend and as much as your schedule allows.

Men, women and teens are all welcome to volunteer!

For questions or to sign up, please contact Tony Casasanta at 330.499.3672 or speak with one of our current ushers at Mass.  We would love to have you join us!

Ushers are an important part of each Mass. The Ministry of Ushers provides a service to the parishioners, visitors and leaders of worship at all liturgies.

Duties of ushers include:

  • Greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the Church
  • Helping parishioners find seats
  • Gathering and securing collections
  • Assisting the disabled and helping anyone in need
  • Distribute bulletins at the conclusion of Mass.