OCIA Hospitality Ministry

RCIA Hospitality Ministry



One way we can show show our catechumens and cadidates that we support their journey and look forward to their presence in our parish family is to welcome them while they are on their journey. 

This simple way is to volunteer to provide some sort of refreshment for the Thursday evening sessions. Your hospitality and generosity really touches the heart of all who attend the Thursday evening sessions. Knowing that they are coming straight from work and that there will be something to eat when they arrive takes one more obstacle out of their day and becomes a witness of God's care for them throught the love of this parish family.


This parish family has historically show such generosity to this wonderful ministry. Even during Covid, when so many protocals were in place, your generostiy allowed us to purchase the approved food for each gathering.


This year we have returned to pre-pandemic rules of hospitality. This means your brownies,cookies and deviled eggs are very apprecciated and wlecome! You can be creative in what you offer us! 


Below is a link to the Hospitality Calendar. There you will see where there are openings and need for food. We hope that this will allow you to fit in time to serve with your busy schedule.



RCIA Hospitality Schedule

If you have a problem signing up, feel free to contact Michele Blate at: mblate@stpaulncanton.org and she will be willing to add your name, the name of the food you are donating on the date that you choose.

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